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Animal Studies

Animal studies investigates past and present relationships between human and non-human animals, the representation of those relations, their ethical implications and their social, political, and ecological effects on the world. An interdisciplinary field, animal studies exists at the intersection of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

My work focuses on the political turn in contemporary animal ethics as well as the interplay between political or ethical theories and the practical reality of social activism.


Leuven, J (2022) ‘Recensie: Anymals, Poems, Empathy: A Zoopoetical study’. In Podium voor Bio-ethiek 2022/1.

Bovenkerk, B & J, Leuven & E. Meijer. (2021) ‘Dubbel gevangen. Over slachtofferschap en dieren in het Antropoceen’. In Tijdschrift Cultuur & Criminaliteit 2021/2.

Leuven, J. (2021) ‘The current state of nonhuman animal agency’. In B. Bovenkerk & J. Keulartz (Ed.), Animals in Our Midst: The Challenges of Co-existing with Animals in the Anthropocene.

Leuven, J. (2017) ‘The theory and practice of contemporary animal rights activism’. Krisis: journal for contemporary philosophy; 2017:2.

Leuven, J & T. Visak (2013) ‘Ryder’s Painism and his Criticism of Utilitarianism’. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics; volume 26:2, pp. 409-419

Other writings

An introduction to animal ethics (in Dutch): part 1, part 2 and part 3.